오늘하루 열지않음   [닫기] 


전문지식을 바탕으로 가장 바람직하고
현실적인 길을 제시하는 것이 유켄의 가장 큰 자랑입니다

영국 대학교 정보 관련 게시글
러프버러대학교 2022년 1월 시작 석사과정 리스트


조회 수

MSc Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Management

MA Climate Change Politics and Policy

MSc Climate Change Science and Management

MA Climate Change Politics and Policy

MSc Climate Change Science and Management

MA, MSc Design Innovation

MSc Digital Finance

MSc Digital Marketing

MA Digital Media and Society

MSc Diplomacy and International Governance

MSc Diplomacy, Business and Trade

MSc Engineering Design

MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

MSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation

MSc Environmental Monitoring, Research and Management

MA Global Communication and Social Change

MA Global Media and Cultural Industries

MSc Information Management and Business Technology

MSc International Business

MSc International Financial and Political Relations

MSc International Management

MSc Low Energy Building Services Engineering

MSc Management

MSc Managing Innovation in Creative Organisations

MSc Marketing

MSc Mechanical Engineering

MA Media and Creative Industries

MSc Renewable Energy Systems Technology (Distance Learning)

MA Security

MSc Security, Peace-building and Diplomacy

MSc Sport Marketing

MA Strategic Communication

MSc Systems Engineering




러프버러대학교 공식 에이전트

UKEN 유켄영국유학


+무료상담신청 icon


평 일09:30 ~ 18:30 (점심시간 12:30~13:30) *평일 18시 30분 이후 상담 사전 예약 가능
희망 상담 일시
희망 상담 방식
유학 희망 과정
희망 유학 시기
알게된 경로