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전문지식을 바탕으로 가장 바람직하고
현실적인 길을 제시하는 것이 유켄의 가장 큰 자랑입니다

영국 대학교 정보 관련 게시글
포츠머스대학교 2024년 1월 학기 과정 리스트


조회 수
영국 대학교는 9~10월이 메인 입학시기이지만, 많은 대학들이 1월에도 과정을 오픈하여 9월 학기와 동일한 커리큘럼을 제공하고 있습니다. 
대부분의 대학의 2023년 9월 학기 지원은 7월 말에 끝이 났습니다. 지원 준비가 많이 되어 있으시고 내년 9월 입학까지 기다리고 싶지 않은 분들을 위해서 1월 학기 과정을 안내 드립니다. 
포츠머스대학교 2024년 1월 학기 과정 리스트

Accounting and Finance
Architecture, Design and Fashion
Business and Management
Law, Politics and International Relations
Media and Games Technology
Property and Surveying
First Year Degree in Accounting and Finance
First Year Degree in Business
Pre-Master's in Business and Management
Pre-Master's in Finance
Pre-Master's in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Pre-Master's in Science and Engineering
MSc Advanced Manufacturing
MA Applied Linguistics and TESOL
MA Applied Linguistics and TESOL (with Professional Experience)
MA Architecture
MSc Biotechnology
MSc Building Information Management
MA Business Communication for International Leadership
MA Business Communication for International Leadership (with Professional Experience)
MSc Civil Engineering
MSc Clinical Exercise Science
MSc Coastal and Marine Resource Management
MSc Computer Network Administration and Management
MSc Construction Project Management
MRes Creative Industries
MSc Cybercrime, Terrorism and Security
MSc Cyber Security and Forensic Information Technology
MSc Digital Business Management
MA Digital Marketing
MA Education Studies
MSc Educational Leadership and Management
MSc Electronic and Electrical Engineering
MSc Energy and Power Systems Management
MSc Engineering Geology
MSc Engineering Management
MSc Applied Exercise Physiology
MSc International Business and Management
MSc International Criminal Justice and Intelligence
MSc International Human Resource Management
MA Interior Architecture and Design
MA International Marketing
MSc Information Systems
MA International Relations
MA International Relations and Politics 
MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MSc Marketing Analytics
MSc Mechanical Engineering
MSc Medical Biotechnology
MSc Occupational Health and Safety Management
MSc Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Management
MSc Project Management
MSc Quantity Surveying
MSc Real Estate Management
MRes Science and Health
MSc Sport Management
MSc Sports Performance
MSc Water and Environmental Engineering

포츠머스대학교 지원 절차 및 조건, 학비 등 궁금한 사항이 있으시다면 문의주세요. 
University of Portsmouth 공식 에이전트
UKEN 유켄영국유학
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